Thursday, July 8, 2010

MUNDIALLLLL!!! and the chosen one...

Happy fourth of JULY!!! and happy birthday to JENNIE and RYAN!

Well it has been another week. Mark that one off! We actually aren´t going to montevideo until next week on the 15th, they changed it, so I think next week I will be emailing that day. Well Uruguay is crazy excited about the world cup. They did not expect to do so well. The day of the game it was like being in a ghost town and we got nothing done. Finally we went over to the house of Hermano De Los Santos who is a really cool convert and we ended up watching some of the game with him. It was a super good game too. And All of the houses erupt everytime a goal is made, so imagine what it was like when they went to penalty kicks. After the game was over we were walking on the streets and we ran into Martin Conti who is a young married guy and usually pretty business like but I though he was going to cry he was so flabbergasted and he was all sweaty and just kept saying angels must have helped us. It was hilarious but really no good for missionary work. I was not feeling well either so we ended up just going back to the house and I laid down. I have been kind of sick this week. That day I had a fever and then I couldn´t really sleep all night, I was super hot and was having chills and my head hurt worse than it ever has before. I did sleep at first but then I woke up at 1:00 and my had was just killing me and my face was burning up. I got up to get some water to drink and then I just sat and sipped it for a while. I was having nausea too and I even went and got a bowl to keep by my bed but never did throw up. I am mostly better but I have a sore throat and stuffy nose. I haven´t really felt like eating either, so actually really haven´t been eating today which is kind of weird for me. But I think I will be fine in another day or two.

Yesterday for the fourth of july we wore red white and blue and as we walked in the streets we would sing patriotic songs and we even recited the pledge of allegience. It was funny and also kind of sad because we really didn´t do anything fun to celebrate, but we kept the patriotic spirit igual. Oh! and our lunch appointment fell through which isn´t normally a huge deal because we can just buy something instead, but it was sunday. Luckily though, my awesome aunts had sent me some macaroni grill pasta mix that we threw together and made a really good lunch. Thank you again!

Yesterday we had a really good lesson with Elisabeth. I don´t know if I have told you about her but she is a miracle for sure. One day we left church to go find someone that hadn´t come, we never did find them but when we were coming back into the church there was a lady going in at the same time and we didn´t recognize her. We started to talk and it turns out she is a member and was going for a long time and her son even served a mission but then she stopped going but wants to come back. So she even invited us over for lunch. When we went during the week her sister Elisabeth happened to be visiting from Paysandu. She has been praying and searching to find the right church. She has gone to many but feels that none of them have the truth. She also had a lot of questions that we were able to answer and she finally understood things that she had not been able to understand. She is so awesome and it is a miracle how we found her. We stopped by them on Saturday night and they were having a party for Vilma (the sister who is a member) and her husband´s anniversary. They gave us cake and empanadas but we didn´t have a lot of time so when we started to say we needed to go Elisabeth was like, oh no don´t go, stay! It was so cute! and they just worry so much about us and for some reason seem to think I am like a little helpless child dependent on my companion and so they are really worried about me for when hna Salisbury leaves, they said I should come stay with them to wait for me new companion! They are so funny. But yesterday we had to teach her the ten commandments so we were reading them in mosiah 13 and when we go to the one that says thou shalt not steal we were going to include tithing and so hna salisbury asked, how do we rob God? And without a seconds hesitation Elisabeth said, in tithes and offerings but I paid my tithing to the bishop today! WHAT!! It was only her second time at church, we hadn´t even taught her tithing and she already paid it!!!! What does Heavenly Father need ME here for? These people teach themselves! She has also read almost all of 1 nephi and when we got there she was reading teachings of the prophets. She lives in Paysandu but in the outskirts because her husband has some sort of blueberry plantation, but it is closer for them to come to Salto then to get the the city part of Paysandu so they come here on a bus every week and Elisabeth wants us to come to her house some day and we really want to go but we are going to have to get special permission. She and Vilma are now planning a goodbye party for Hna Salisbury too. THey are easily some of my favorite people we have met. I can´t wait for her baptism on the 16th. Also they have an almacen so they sometimes give us cookie packages or other treats. DREAM investigator.

Last pday I made a white cake with vanilla frosting and put strawberries on top and it we shared it with Miriam and Javier. I must say it was DELICIOUS. We also put half of it in another pan and I made chocolate frosting and we took that to a Noche de Hogar (fhe) with the familia De los Santos, they really liked it and they were baptized when hna Flores was here, so you know they are awesome.

Anyways, so it has been a busy week but actually kind of a tough one. We did divisions three times which probably absolutley my least favorite thing to do and then being sick was no fun, plus when I´m sick all I want to do is just be home and so I sat up all night thinking about home and how mom baby´s me when I´m sick and I was really missing some good old motherly tlc. I know you have said that 4 months seems to have gone by really fast but honestly to me it is crawling and I still have 14 months left...ugh. But I am trying to count my blessings because we are having success and I have a great companion so I really shouldn´t complain. Tomorrow we have district so I will look forward to getting your letters, Jennie send an email to the mission email and tell me about your 4th and birthdays! And on Wednesday we have conference with the new president. So next week I should have a lot to tell you too. I´m out of time though, so bye for now, I love you

Love Jessica

(*Note - the first few photos were stolen from Hermana Salisbury's blog)

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