Monday, July 19, 2010

At the temple

Did you think I would ever email you this week? Well i finally am. A lot has happened lately as far as finding another great family to teach and stuff but I sent a really long letter explaing that so I won't go into it now. I tried to make the letter interesting to read and spiritual but I think I overdid it and it is probably just lame. But enjoy! And for the record I am out of stamps so there may be a lull in letter writing until the ones you have sent get here.

I also told you more in my letter about our first sector conference with President and Hermana Heaton. They. are. awesome. I already love them so much and get this, when we got here to montevideo yesterday morning for the sealing of the family galvan, we went to check into the hostel and they said they didn't have a reservation for us. So we called the mission secretary who was going to get us a room and told him there was a problem and he said that there weren't any rooms available so we were going to stay at the mission home! BOO YA! Party with the Heatons! So we came over to the house and the hermana welcomed us in and showed us to our BEAUTIFUL room that had really nice soft beds with fresh sheets and bedding and...the room has a HEATING! It was so comfortable and nice to sleep in a nice bed and a warm room, I forgot what a great thing it is to be able to get out of bed and step onto carpet and not feel a plunge in temperature. So nice. Anyways, there was a Zone Leaders training yesterday too so for a while we helped hna Heaton get breakfast and lunch ready for all of them until it was time to go over to the temple. It was fun to help out in the kitchen and get to know her better. The temple was so good and it was the first time I have ever been to a sealing. What a lovely experience. Do you remember me telling you about the Galvan family and how they are so special? I felt so lucky to have the privelege of seeing them sealed for time and all eternity as husband and wife and then seeing stefani and esteban come in dressed in white to be sealed to their parents. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and the restored gospel.

For the rest of the day we just hang out at the hostel with them playing uno and telling jokes and then we came back to the mission home for dinner (oh and we ate navajo tacos at the mission home for lunch-so good!) and we did our studies and stuff. the president and his wife had to leave to go do something in the evening and it was really kind of funny but nice to just be in the mission home by ourselves. but it was really peaceful and quiet to study. THen when they got back we chatted with them and showed pictures and stuff and ended the night eating brownies and ice cream in our pajamas until we went to bed at 11:00. That's right we broke curfew with the president and the hermana! It was so so so fun though. Today we got up and exercised, took a really nice shower where I did not get cold when i got out, ate breakfast and then went through another session of the temple with another lady from fraybentos. We later brought the galvan's over to meet the president and wife which was really nice and they cried as we sang the first hymn the hna's sang with them. Hna Salisbury had also thought so much about a gift she could give to each of them and ended up giving the wife her coat which is very coveted and I probably have seen 50 women hint that she should leave it for them. It was really sweet to see her give it to mari who was so gracious.

I am now emailing you on the presidents laptop and we will be leaving to get our bus in about an hour. It has been a really fun little trip and today I got to help the Hermana unload and load the dishes in the dishwasher and stuff. It made me think so much of home. I really was missing my family today in the temple, I wonder if I will ever have a whole day with out feeling an ache in my heart for you! I love you so much. Renita, I just want you to know that one day when Hermana Salisbury and I were walking down some train tracks to get to a lesson I told her that in my family there is a famous story about my aunt becky and so when I read your email she was reading with me and we both laughed and i said, i told you it is a big story in my family. And then I got pretty teary eyed which I think is partly from how I was feeling in the temple today.

Well I got to go but I love you and will email you again on Monday I think. And by the way judy and mom the packages sound really great, thanks a bunch but you shouldn't spoiling me so much! Amy DID YOU GET THE HOUSE! The pictures look really awesome. Besos,

Your missionary hermana, Jessica

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