Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ending the Trip

Hey hey! It was kind of funny and cool today to open my email and have messages from my mom and my sisters, I don´t know why that occurred to me but I just think it´s awesome that we are close and keep in touch so much.

Okay, well the Montevideo temple trip was so much fun. While we emailed you Hermana Heaton let us use her washer and dryer, we had brought all of our garments so that we could wash them. It was so nice to have clean clothes that had been dried in a dryer. It was also fun saturday to be at the mission home because it was the Heaton´s 40th anniversary. Not that we really did anything but still, we got to hang out with them on a really special day. And then when we needed to leave they drove us to the bus station and I was laughing in my head watching President Heaton try to hide his frustration about the traffic. They both make me think a lot of mom and dad, that is probably why I like them so much. I think Hna Sol is getting sick of me talking about how much I love the Heaton´s and how great they are. Anyways it was going to be close for getting on the bus but we got there with 5 minutes to spare, or so we thought, Hna Salisbury had confused the time and it had actually left ten minutes before. Haha. So we ended up having to wait seven hours for the next bus which left at 12:30 in the morning. We probably could have called the president to pick us up but we felt too sheepish. We had to call him last night anyways though to ask a question and he asked us if we made the bus and we told him what happened and i think he felt bad and he said we should have called him. But oh well, it actually ended up being a really fun and productive seven hours and we are both glad for the way it worked out. We got pictures printed for the family and for Carla who was baptized on thursday and I bought a new straightener and some post-it marker things for my scriptures and we got some colored paper. We also wrote letters, I wrote to my converts in Artigas, and we ate at Mcdonalds. The only mcdonalds in uruguay is the one in the terminal in montevideo. It was actually pretty good. Oh and Hermana Heaton sent us with Peanut Butter sandwiches.!

So yesterday we got home at 6:30. I was really tired all day and it was good to go to sleep last night. Yesterday was a pretty dull sunday. It has been really gloomy and rainy here.

Well out of time. I love you all and I hope the pictures come through!

Love Jessica

ps hna salisbury leaves in about two weeks and i am trying to plan some suprises for her but I am also freaking out and I think I am going to have an emotional relapse when she is gone!

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