Monday, June 28, 2010

Baptisms and such

Hello family! It has been a long and busy week. We had baptisms on Friday for miriam and javier and fernando and a little girl who was a ward baptism. It all went really well and the spirit in the baptism was really strong so we feel really good about it and feel like wse had three really good, solid baptisms and they have been fellowshipped so well so we know they are in good hands.

Last week I on Thursday we got woken up during the night by some loud banging noises. It sounded like our gate was being clanged like someone was shaking it or something. I woke up first at 4:30 to it and I woke up hna salisbury because it really scared me but she was pretty out of it. Then we both woke up to it again at 5:30 and we knew there was something going on, but we just stayed hidden under our covers. Then the next day we found out that our neigbors had been robbed two grafas (the stove things). So I guess we had heard them jumping our gate to get over to the neighbors house. Don´t worry though we have a barred gate right on our door too with three locks. We are safe!

RENITA AND JUDY!!! I got your package this week! Holy smokes, cornbread, MINT oreos, craisins, chocolate chip cookies, and more! Thank you so much! We have been enjoying it very much but I am trying to hold of on the oreos so that I don´t completely ruin our diet goal for this change. But come next change I am going to scarf them down! In the mean time we made the cornbread and it was super good and easy. We only had to add water! That is really nice as a missionary and you really don´t have time or money to go to a lot of extensive cooking. Also, last pday we did make a chocolate cake with rainbow chip frosting and we ate it all ourselves! Delicious.

This week we did divisions. We are suppossed to do them twice a week but we never do because we don´t have a lot of people in our ward that will go with us. But we got some girls from another ward to come with us and they were really excited to do it and want to come back and do it again. I have to admit though I really hate doing divisions. It is just really hard for me because it forces me to be the senior companion and do everything and I still feel like I have no idea what I´m doing. It went fine though but I still didn´t really like it.

While I am thinking about it, the whatever week the 8th of July is in, I will probably not email on that monday, i will email on the 8th, it think. do you remember me saying anything about the familia Galvan from Artigas? Well they were Hna Salisbury´s converts so on the 8th we get to go to the temple with them to see their SEALING!! We are super excited about that but we have to make that our pday so it might mess up email that week and also our sector conference this change is on the 6th I think. So email might not be quite as regular but I will still get one to you each week, just don´t get worried if it doesn´t come on Monday.

On Saturday Uruguay beat Korea in the World Cup, didn´t see the game but all of the sudden all of the houses erupted and there were sounds of fireworks or guns, and people came running out of their houses with flags and jumped on their motos with their flags and all sorts of craziness was going on. I just don´t want to know what happens when they lose!

I tried to get some pictures attached to this email but for some reason it was not working today, so I will try to send another one after this, otherwise you´ll have to wait till next week. But I´m out of time so I gotta finish up. Thank you again for the packages, oh and mom I don´t think I did ever get the second one with knee highs and granola bars, but maybe it will still come. But thank you so much, I love you all and I really miss you! Keep up the letters and emails, I love hearing from you! Dad I haven´t heard from you for a while...But I´ll try and get some letters off to you tomorrow!

Love, Jessica

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