Monday, June 21, 2010


Hi mom and everyone! Mom, last week I got your cake-pan package! WHOA BABY! Twix, reeses, cakes, soups, RAINBOW CHIP FROSTING and more!! THank you so so much it was awesome! And really you don´t need to send a package this week unless you really want to, but of course I will be thrilled to get one if you do. Whatever you send I´m sure will be fabulous be if you want some ideas, craft stuff is always good. Like stickers, paper, markers etc. We make a lot of stuff like that for members and to make bday cards and stuff. Speaking of birthday cards I sent one to Paul but I accidently wrote happy 30th birthday instead of 29 and I am really embarrassed, sorry. also I made one for renita but it will be getting there late because I left it at the house last week so I couldnt send it and won´t be able to until thursday. I will also be sending bday cards to ryan and jennie so you can watch for those.

Sorry i didn´t email yesterday, I had forgotten to tell you that this week is changes so pday gets moved to tuesday so those who change will travel on that day. Hna Salisbury and i are staying here together! Yay! It will be her last change so I will ¨kill her¨as the mission saying goes.

I think Uruguay is playing in the World Cup today because there are some really excited people in here watching soccer and they just erupted a second ago and it is a little difficult to concentrate.

Well the conference. It was so great. I got to see hna crofts and smith and talked to them a lot and we got to pretty much just hang out at the church the whole day. The conference was really good too, it was the last one for our mission president, the new one will be coming in soon. For lunch they had some ice cream place come to the church and give out big ice cream waffle cones to all of us, it was super yummy. I think that hna crofts and hna smith have each had some normal missionary hardships this last change and it was nice for us all to be able to talk about things and listen to one another. Really good conference.

We have our baptism program this friday and we are excited about that. We have some really cool investigators that will be getting baptized. One of them is a man named fernando. He and his wife were taking the discussions but she hasnt been able to be there the last several times. We found out last night that there is another man and she is deciding whether of not she wants to stay with her husband. As he explained all of this to us he was so calm and peaceful and not even a little bit bitter. He said that he still loves her and that the gospel has given him so much strength to deal with this trial and he wants to continue with it whether she does or not. His faith is so impressive and it is really humbling to be teaching him.

Today being our last pday in this change we are going to make a chocolate cake with rainbowchip frosting and eat the whole thing ourselves!! And then next change we are giving up all sweet treats so that hna salisbury can go home skinny. Haha we´ll see how that goes.

Amy I just skimmed a little bit through your email. DARK HAIR?! Ahh, pictures puh-lease. What else is going on with everyone? Everyone doing good? Happy Father´s day to dad and Grandpa! I love you and I am out of time but I hope you like the pictures and I will send another email to attach more.

Love, Jessica

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