Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Now I know Why People Here Have Dark Skin

Today while we were waiting for the bus we ate tacos at a little restaurant. While we were eating, the owner came and started talking to us and asked us if we knew why the man sitting next to us was so black. We were a little confused as to why he would ask this, but then he reached into the man's sack and pulled out the biggest bottle of Coca-Cola I have ever seen and said, "Because he drinks so much Coca-Cola!" And then they both laughed so hard like it was the funniest thing to say. Of course we couldn't help but join in. A little more about Merida, the buses are a little crazy, they drive much like I would imagine the bus in Harry Potter does, it seems like everything has to leap out of the way for the bus to come through. The University we go to is very small, smaller than my high school, I'll post pictures eventually. Also, here in Merida, I get honked at more than I ever have before in my life, that will take some getting used to but I guess it's pretty common here. Who knows, maybe it will be something I miss when I come back to the States...well probably not.


  1. Hahahaha, that story is HILARIOUS! And the buses would be freaky. Just driving our tiny beat-up rental car through those streets was scary enough - I can't imagine getting around on a bus down there.

  2. That's totally true about the coca-cola. Everyone in Costa Rica drinks it like its water.
