Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Makin' Amigos

On Monday night we had our first "Noche De Hogar" or, Family Home Evening. We went to the home of one of our host family's and swam in their pool, jumped on their trampoline, ate treats and then had a lesson. It was really fun because a few guys from the ward came and we taught them how to play Marco Polo, a game that never fails to procure a great deal of laughter. On Wednesday night we met up with them again at an ice cream shop in downtown called Colon, famous for its coconut sorbet. After walking around for a while we came home and had another one of our host mom's delicious meals and called it a night.

Yesterday after school we went to Itzimna, a small colonial town about an hour away from Merida. There is large convent there where they used to hold open-air masses and train priests. Apparently this convent has the second largest courtyard in the world for open air masses, second only to that of the one in Rome. While we were there we also went to some of the ruins, a really interesting museum with modern artifacts, and ate an awesome dinner of queso relleno, panuchos, and banana con leche. To wrap it up, we returned to the convent for the sound and lights show, took some cool pictures of the cathedral lit up in the night, and headed for home.


  1. Ha HA! I just finally got my computer to work again (well Paul did) becuase it has been freaking out and I haven't been able to comment on anybody's blogs for a few days now. I love your photos that you posted on FB. They are AWESOEM. We should have gone to Izamal in the evening - the deep sunsetty yellow of the monastery is amazing! Oh, and coconut sorbet sounds divine.

  2. Apparently although I can now post on blogs, I cannot type and/or spell. Just read my previous comment. Atrocious. How embarassing.
