Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You even put in wired ribbon!!

Hey! Well if you didn´t get it from the subject line I got packages this week! TWO! Thank you thank you thank you! I got the one with a CHRISTMAS TREE and gingerbread house with lots of decorations including lights and pretty wired ribbon that I already made bows out of, I loved it thank you so much! I also received the one with lots of goodies, cute socks, sticky notes, and sour balls. You all really are too good to me. Thank you so much Renita, Judy, Grandma, and Grandpa! I loved loved loved it all! I already wrote you a card that will be sent tomorrow.

It seems a lot longer ago, but last Tuesday we had our zone conference. It was pretty good and president heaton talked about gathering sheep and brought a big bell that you would tie around a sheeps neck and kept ringing it, then later he grabbed hna heaton around the neck with a sheperd´s staff. We also did a three legged race. It was pretty good.

We had a really good thanksgiving day actually. We had a really awesome day of work, tiring, but awesome. Everyone we talked to was really receptive. We had seven lessons and found six new investigators just in that one day. I asked Hna Gardner if she was fasting without telling me or what she had said in her morning prayers because the Lord was blessing us! Hopefully we can get these people to progress! That night we ate Thanksgiving dinner with the Heaths, the senior couple in our ward. The hermana went all out with mashed potatoes and gravy, a big beautiful chicken since there is no turkey to be found here, delicious yams, stuffing, rolls, and a really good carrot pie that tasted like pumpkin pie. It was so nice of them to have us over and we really enjoyed talking with them and spending the holiday there. It sounds like you all had good thanksgiving days too. And now we have less than a month until the Christmas phone call. YAY!

Yesterday was our ward´s primary program. There aren´t that many kids, maybe 12-15, which I guess isn´t too small, but they realy did a good job. They sang loud, said there lines, and just looked cute. There were these two Americans that came to Sacrament meeting that have just been traveling around South America. The guy didn´t speak Spanish and the girl just barely did so he asked Hermana Gardner to transalte for him. It was funny and kind of weird for some reason, I guess just because they were so obviously americans but not missionaries, maybe it just made me realize how out of place we probably look. It also made me think of Amy and Paul because they were carrying big packs, you know amazing race style.

Later yesterday we were walking own the street and Hna Gardner had a little outburst. We were passing by these guys and as always they started to say things to us that we hear a billion times a day and Hna Gardner just lost it. It was so funny because she has never even come close to doing this before but she just wheeled around and said ´´can we we just have a little bit of respect please?´´ It wasn´t really all that bad, mostly just funny because it came out of nowhere. The guy looked pretty taken back and sheepishly pointed at his buddy as if he had said it. I wonder if he will ever say anything to sister missionaries again or if he will just be worse than ever. It was pretty hilarious though.

This morning we played soccer with the zone, it was fun but I am super out of shape. It is time for me to diet! Did you happen to make the Christmas treats low fat? Haha, oh well I´ll just have to make it a new years resolution. Next week is changes and I really don´t know what will happen so I will let you know, cross your fingers that I don´t have to be a senior comp!

Talk to you later!

All my love, Jessica

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