Tuesday, November 16, 2010

5 weeks to Christmas phone call!!

Hey everyone! Thanks for the great letters and emails I´ve been gettting from you! Dad and Ryan...I´m waiting! I really really liked Amy and Paul´s emails about their missions, Amy there are tons of testigos here, jehova´s witness, and they do missionary work too and a lot of times people think we are them. It is annoying and I am just like you, when they say they are testigos i say bueno chau. they always want to argue and even if you make a good point they just pretend that they don´t understand or something. I actually get really annoyed when my companions even try to talk to them, it literally is pointless because they just won´t listen even though they often times realize that what you are saying makes sense and what they are saying makes no sense at all. But i got to hand it to them, they know their bible, although it must be a lot easier to learn since they have crossed out a lot of the verses that don´t correspond with what they believe.

I´m glad you have gotten a lot of letters from me, I really hope you know that I try to write regularly, I´m sorry that come so sporadically. What are your plans for thanksgiving? Yesterday we had lunch with the Heath´s, the senior missionary couple, and they invited us to have thanksgiving dinner with them, yay! I would say my big news for the week would have to be my eyes. Hear me out. Since my second change I´ve had really dry skin on my eyelids, which I have had multiple times before in my life. But the last month it has been worse and worse. I tried vaseline but my eyes had an allergic reaction and I woke up with them swollen and puffy and flaky. then at the training this week I asked hna heaton for any tips and she came the next day with a cream for me to try which was way to strong and on saturday i just wanted to cry because my eyes were like red leather. The skin had no elasticity, i looked dumb and it hurt to blink. So I called hna heaton which i really didn´t want to do since she always gets a billion calls a day about stupid things like cold sores and elders who are craving sweets and therefore must have a parasite. But anyways she told me to go to a pharmacy and get a hydrocortisone cream which seems to be helping and then she told me to send a picture to the doctor today. I have also been having spring allergies which is pretty annoying, mostly just sneezy and runny nose.

Well, the good news is Martin has fecha! He should be getting baptized on November 28th if all goes well. ´We are have high hopes though. What else is new at home? What are all your holdiday plans looking like? I don´t think it will even feel like Christmas to me. It seems so weird that it is november and summer is just starting.

I hope you all have a great week and that I hear from each of you next week! or tomorrow i guess. Love you lots and miss you tons, I am counting down to my nine month mark-I will be the first to confess that I am a trunky, unfocused missionary. Keep on keepin on!

All my love, Jessica

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