Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lots to Say!

*Disclaimer from Amy - Jessica has asked me not to post her emails as frequently for the time being, but since this email mentioned a number of her friends by name (who have blogs as well), I figured this one was okay to post.  Now, on with Jessica's email:

Hey! Okay, we are on for skype!!! That means we will get to talk FACE TO FACE!! Almost. And sorry about the time mix up, I meant 2:00 your time. So that should be good right? I´m not exactly sure about how skyping works but I believe you need to set up an account and add the heath´s to your list or something so maybe you could email them or something.

Well I am unceasingly spoiled. I left district this week with FIVE packages! The elders gave me a hard time but it was all just fun and games as they helped me carry them out to a taxi. I got two big ones from mom plus the little cake one with my medicine, I got the birthday one from amy and paul and I promise I didn´t read the thing, I ripped it off and threw it away but I love the party hats and stuff. We had dinner with the Heath´s yesterday and her birthday was this week, so while she was getting dinner ready we set the table with a party hat and whistle on each place. It looked really cute and she was so suprised when she came out and saw it. She thought it was pretty hilarious and we also put a candle in the dessert and I gave her a little hand sanitizer, very useful here with taking buses all the time. I also got a package from the ward. We have such a great ward! The little notes from the primary and relief society were so nice and they really stuffed the box with good treats, I will try to get a thank you note sent to them. This morning I had lots of fun making little baggies for all of the hermanas. I put in a little card, some treats, and a hand sanitizer or lotion. Mom, those were such an awesome idea and you sent so many! I even had a couple leftovers! Thank you so so much! They turned out really cute, I will try and send you some pictures. Also tomorrow we are having interviews and Hna Heaton wants everyone to bring a white elephant gift, I am going to take a notebook from the package I got from our ward that has a kitten and flowers on the front and in the corner of every page, I can´t wait to see the look on whatever elder´s face that gets it! I am also tying it up with a box of mac n cheese and some cookies though.

The new change is going okay. Hermana Humphries is really fun and sweet but I do not like being senior companion. It is no good. I don´t know what to do and feel so stumped when it comes to making all the decisions. But we are still alive and healthy so I guess it´s going alright. Today we went over to the mission home to help Hermana Heaton bag up cookies. THis week is interviews and she has been very busy making cookies to give to everyone for Christmas. There were two elders there who are ending their missions this week and also a senior hermana so while she and hna heaton baked us for missionaries bagged. They had these long skinny bags and they were originally going to but a small banana bread and cookies on a plate and then in the bag but it didn´t really fit with the plate, so I came up with a better idea. We put the bread in and then tied it with curly ribbon, then we put a stack of cookies in the rest of the bag from where it had been tied and tied it again with a another color of ribbon. they turned out very cute, you would have been proud of me. It was fun too and I taught Elder Pacheco how to curl ribbon and told them how I used to be able to curl ribbon on my braces. It was funny. They also asked me where I learned to play soccer, apparently word spreads fast around the mission. It´s embarrassing though since I really don´t even play that well.

THis week we at with a lady named Alba. She is kind of different and doesn´t make the best food. But this time she gave us so much rice and milanesa I don´t know how I stuffed it all in me. Then she brought out dessert. I don´t know what it was but it was gross. I promise we have never done this before but we put napkins on our laps and put our bites there when she wasn´t looking. I felt bad throwing it a way after we left but probably not too bad because we were laughing pretty hard. WHat are all of your Christmas plans? Are you going to have a Christmas party? Can you send me pictures of the Christmas tree?

I got a letter this week from Lanae Carmichael, she is waiting for her mission call! Wonder where she will go. Also, Rochelle had been putting in her papers a while ago and I´m wondering if she got her call ever, I haven´t heard from her for a while.

Just to remind you, next week Pday is on Christmas so I will not talk to you until that night, but please email me before monday so that i can read your emails on tuesday anyways! I don´t know how I´m going to go so long. I did hit my nine month mark this week so that has been kind of a nice feeling but I still can´t believe I have nine more to go...ugh. I try to be positive but sometimes I don´t feel like ever made that adjustment that I was waiting to happen when I was in my first few changes. I try to take solace though in knowing that I am well on my way though now. I realized on tuesday when I was talking with hna garnder and flores at the bus terminal that after this change I will be the fourth oldest hermana in the mission. Hopefully the second half goes faster than the first.

Well I am out of time, I can´t WAIT to talk to you next sunday. I am sorry I didn´t get Christmas cards sent out to you but thank you for all of the Christmas packages that you sent to me! I love you all so so much! Try to think of questions or write down ahead of time anything that you want to talk about next week. I love you! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Love, Jessica

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