Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Made it to Agosto

Hey there! How is everyone? I made it passed my 5 month birthday and am on to number 6! Amy, it sounds like you had a fun weekend with Carrie, and mom I guess you can kiss summer break goodbye!

Well this week was a liiiittle bit better. Although Hna Halladay has a lot of weird quirks we are getting along just fine for the most part. I still feel like we need to be working harder though. Yesterday she wanted to go to the zoo to do contacts, it is in our area and it was dia del nino so there were tons of families going there. Maybe it wasn´t a bad idea but I didn´t think it was super effective. We had Andrea, a youth from another ward, accompanying us but all we were able to do there was a ton of basic contacting and a lot of the people didn´t even live in our area. I just didn´t think it was a great use of time so I finally tried to nicely suggest that we should go door knocking a pass by some addresses of contacts we had made in weeks past. I think it kind of offended her or hurt her feelings or something, but I just felt like we were doing a lot of fruitless contacting when we could be getting lessons with member and looking for news. We did end up knocking a lot and got 2 lessons with member and 3 others later on. Sometimes I just feel like both she and I are willing to work hard but neither of us know how to do it effectively. It is frustrating but I guess it is part of the experience and you learn as you go and just have to trust in Heavenly Father to make weak things become strong unto you.

So it really end up being a pretty long week and not super productive, but hopefully things will keep getting better. I find myself thinking way to much about how much longer I have left, whick is still a lot, but I like to think that since I will probably leave one change early to go to school, I have less than a year left, which means that after this change is over I only have two left to hit my halfway mark. It is starting to sink in with me that you never do stop missing home.

Today for pday we got up and cleaned the house then we went to centro and ate breakfast, playes soccer at the stake center, and now we are doing email. Last week on tuesday I sent nine letters so hopefully you will being getting them in a week or so. Mom I will keep my eye out for my premarin package. Thanks, and if you have another one ready the only request i have is more stickers. I dont know if you would find them at deseret book or where but I would like some temple stickers to put on peoples hymnbooks or boms, and then basic flowers and stars and stuff like that are really useful. But you all really need to stop spoiling me so much with so many packages!

I know this is short but this computer is being slow and I am going to try and send another email with pictures and i will write more if i have time. I love you!


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