Thursday, January 28, 2010

Called to Serve

Today being Thursday, a lot of people in Utah probably opened their mailboxes this afternoon to find a mission call waiting for them. On facebook today a couple of my friends were included in that group and it got me thinking about when my call came just 2 1/2 short months ago. I remember feeling so excited in a way but at the same time somewhat indifferent just because the whole thing felt so surreal and I couldn't really get my mind into enough of a focus to register exitement. It was like watching a stranger go through the whole process rather than myself. But anyways, after seeing that these two girls had received their calls I had this strong feeling of.....I don't know what to call it. Not jealousy. Longing? Nostalgia? I'm not sure, but it made me want to go back and do it all over again.

The anticipation was worth every second and reading those first couple of lines was truly one of the most exciting things I've ever experienced. Although I tried not to glance ahead while reading each word aloud to my family, I couldn't help sneaking a peek after the words "you are assigned" and caught a glimpse of the name of the country where I will be serving: "Uruguay". I think I gasped but I'm not really sure. Pretty sure when I read it aloud my mom did a loud clap and jumped up to give me a hug, but that's debatable too; the whole night was a bit of a blur. It's definitely one of those moments I have relived over and over in my mind and still get tingles from. I remember having such a special feeling just from reading the "Dear Sister Casebolt" and knowing that Heavenly Father was so happy with my decision to serve a mission. That knowledge and reconfirmation of my decision combined with an overwhelming feeling of love was probably the very best part of the whole thing.

I don't believe that Uruguay is where I am "meant" to serve because I think anyone could have a great mission in a lot of places if they try their best to make the most of it, I don't think there is such a thing as one perfect call, but I do feel that being called to Uruguay is a perfect call for me. It is a huge blessing and makes me feel lucky and absolutely honored and priveleged to have received the call that I did and I only hope to live worthy of it and be the best missionary I can be.

I would love to see comments about what you remember from that night or from when I told you where I was going!


  1. Okay, let's see...what I remember from the night you opened your mission call...I remember looking between you and mother and both of your faces were just glowing. I remember you shaking a lot. I remember being so so happy for you. I remember wanting to plan out our entire trip for when we come to pick you up but trying to restrain myself for going on and on about the stuff I have learned about traveling around Argentina and Brazil (which I am planning on for the big trip if that is still happening) because I wanted that night to be about you. Dad wanted me to take your call out and replace it with a fake call and he was totally serious. I said no.

    And I remember that you called me the next day in between your classes because you were still so excited and nobody else was answering and you wanted to talk to somebody about it. I like this post.

  2. I like this post, too. I remember being so happy for you because you were so happy. I remember being able to feel the tension and excitement as you read your calling. I will miss you. I'll make sure Emma knows who you are, and I'll send pictures regularly so you can watch her grow.

  3. I think you were in total shock because you got called to a foreign spanish-speaking country. And you were in excitement overload. It was pretty cool.
