Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This Week

Hey there, I haven´t really read your emails yet so hopefully you sent them to the mission email and I´m going to type fast and I´ll read them after if there is time. Also, I´m attaching a few pictures, they are all from artigas.

I can´t say that I´m feeling too much better this week, but I´m sorry for my email last week, I shouldn´t have been so negative and I´ll try not to be so much today. I lots of letters and packages last week! Mom I love the sweatshirt from san jose! My favorite color! and I got the shirt and the mattress pad. Also I got some yummy treats from Renita and Judy, those butterfingers hit the spot and I still have some skittles and starburts left that I´m saving. Amy I got your blogposts and they were super fun to read. I also got a card from rochelle. I sent letters to everyone last tuesday so I hope you will get them this week. Also, I sent Ryan a card quite a while ago for his birthday, did he get it in time? Happy birthday a little late.

Mom I don´t remember if I told you that when I talked to the mission president I asked him if I could get my medication here or if he thought it would come if you sent it and he said he was going to talk to a doctor and told me to see if i could just pick it up in a pharmacy, so last week I went to a farmacia and they said all of uruguay has stopped carrying it. so i called the pres and told him that and he said he was going to have the zl´s close to brazil check in brazil. so they did and the had it there but only in .625 dosage, so he had them get it and I will just take to everyday. I guess it was funny though because the elder went and asked for premarin not knowing what it was and there were a bunch of women in that pharmacy and they were like, do you know what that is, are you buying this for a girl? How embarrassing! Anyways, the took it to a zl training and sent is with my zl who gave it to me at our service project on saturday when we helped build some houses, it looked like a drug deal, they even had it in some creepy bag. So funny. We are still getting to know the area and the ward. I feel like the ward here is not so interactive with us as it was in artigas, and that kind of makes it harder to me. But we´re getting there. We don´t really have any investigators though that are really progressing, so that has been kind of hard too.

At our zone activity this morning the zl told me, so did you here that hna moreno is being transferred to salto, and i said no. I don´t know why but apparently something happened in taecuerembo and she is being transferred here to be with hna roach. I have no idea why but I´m sure they are probably happy about that. I really think though as does my companion that hna roach helped hna moreno write that card. they would talk to eachother on the phone a lot in artigas and then at the at the hnas conference they went off by themselves for quite a while. but that isn´t important i guess.

we are starting to really get into winter here. everyday is glooming and drizzly. I´m really tired of it which is no good because it just started. this would be a good place for edward cullen to live. well what is new at home? How often do you receive my letters? Oh speaking of which thank you for the stamps renita and judy! Jennie, has emma started to eat baby foods? how is she doing with that? Mom when do you finish school? Ryan have you started doing phlabotomy or whatever? Dad are you taking the corvette out a lot?

Well I don´t really know what else to tell you. It has been a pretty dull week. Get up at 6 thirty, go run, get ready, study, go out to contacts and appointments, lunch, more contacts and appointments, go home to plan, go to bed, start over. That´s pretty much all we do. Yesterday though we did try and take a shortcut through a muddy gulley and I ended up falling after jumping a stream. I was a mess! That´s pretty much all. I´m going to write more letters today and send them tomorrow. I love you so much, thanks for all your support and good letter writing. also, i love getting packages, but don´t feel obligated to send them or anything, i know that can be a hassle. Hope you have a good week!

Love, Jessica

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